M63 Constellation: Canes Venatici
Telescope: 6" f12 Refractor, ST-2000XCM  CCD Camera Date: February 11th, 2011
Subexposures: 15 minutes x  19 Total Exposure Time: 4 Hours 45 Min
Distance: 37,000,000 light-years 

Finding M63: M63 can be found in most small telescopes.  My notes show that is was fairly easy in a 60mm, 20 power spotting scope a few years back.  It will appear as a small misty patch of light.  Note in the bottom chart below that the galaxies M94 (the Croc's Eye) and M51 (The Whirlpool Galaxy) are both nearby. 

Use the "Big Dipper" as your starting point.  Find the star at the end of the Big Dipper's handle (Alkaid) , Then locate the fainter star Cor Caroli in Canes Venatici.  M63 is located near a line between these two stars as shown by the upper chart.  Place your binoculars or finder telescope about two-thirds of the distance from Alkaid to Cor Caroli, then look for the star patterns shown in the 5 degree circle in the bottom chart.  A dark moonless night helps locate the galaxy and you should wait until the galaxy is high in the sky to get the best view.  Clicking on either chart below will take you to a printable black-stars-on-white-background version that will conserve your printer's ink.



 M63 Wide Field Finder Chart
 M63 Telescope Finder or Binocular Chart