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Finder Charts for November

Ideally, you should use a red-tinted flashlight to illuminate your finder charts.  This will help preserve your night vision.  You can make one by unscrewing the front of your flashlight and inserting some red plastic or red cellophane beneath the lens.  Replace the front of the flashlight and you're ready to go.  When using the binocular finder charts, remember that the smallest stars on the finder charts will be barely detectable in binoculars - only the stars shown larger will be obvious.

The night sky at 6:00pm on November 5th, looking south



Binocular field around gamma & delta capricorni, 6:30pm November 5th.



Binocular field around Mars, 6:30pm November 5th



Binocular field around Mars, 6:30pm, November 10th



The morning sky on November 18th, 2:00am




Binocular field around Neptune, 6:30pm November 30th



Binocular field around Mars and Uranus, 6:30pm November 30th


All images used in these notes were prepared with Starry Night Pro software.